
Most Common Questions 

Q: Are the courses in a physical location or Online?
A: Online

Q: When do I receive access to the online platform?
A: As soon as you enroll in one of our courses you will receive access to the online virtual platform?

Q: When I enroll to this course do I receive access to a question bank?
A: No, this is a strategy course not a question bank; however, you will be involved in multiple sections as a class where we discuss critical thinking and content questions.

Q: How long is the “Como vencer el NCLEX Paso a Paso” course and do I have to pay to take the course a second time?
A: The “Como vencer el NCLEX Paso a Paso” course is 6 weeks long; you do not have to pay to take the course again it is one of the benefits in being part of NCLEX CRUSADE. Once you are enrolled in this course you can retake it as many times as needed.

Q: Is there a guarantee to pass the NCLEX after taking this course?
A: You and only you can guarantee your own success, however, we will provide you all the tools necessary to pass the test. You will drastically change your ability to think critically and will develop skills to answer critical thinking/above passing standard style questions.

Q: Is there costumer support?
A: Yes, visit our support page and you will have all the necessary information to contact us and we will respond in a timely manner

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]

Cell.: 727-459-5341



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